The questions about memory start long before you get to the doctor's office. But often times, once there, it seems we are at a loss for words, or forget to share an important detail.  The following are letters to share with your doctor or your relatives doctor.

Feel free to download. Write extra notes if it doesn't cover all of your concerns. Remember, your doctor can't address issues if he/she doesn't know about them.  Although you may wish it were so, your healthcare provider can't read your mind.

We understand that the time with your healthcare provider is limited.  This is information that can be shared prior to the visit. Consider sending it to your provider either by dropping it off at their office, sending it by mail, email or through the practice secure server.  Whatever is the easiest for you to do.


Dear Doctor (self)

I believe I may have a memory problem.  This is what I am experiencing...

Click on the button below to download an easy to complete note for your doctor.  It's okay to ask a family member or friend to help you fill out the form.  Hand it to your healthcare provider or his/her assistant before the visit begins.


Dear Doctor (relative)

I believe my father/mother/relative/friend may have a memory problem.  This is what I have observed...

Click on the button to download an easy to complete note for your father/mother/relative/friend (can be adapted for any relative/friend). Consider sending this to the healthcare provider's office before the visit.  It will give the provider time to consider how to approach the individual. It will also be less awkward for you to bring up during the visit.
