Charlies List

Charlie is a good friend of ours, having known him for many years throughout his journey of caring for his wife with Alzheimer's disease.  We share this video with love and respect for Charlie, and all the caregivers that deal with dementia everyday. Over the years, Charlie would send reading materials that he found helpful in caring for his wife, which we have named Charlie's List.  Enjoy.


Overtime, we have added (and will continue to add) additional books, videos and resources beyond what Charlie has sent.  We invite you to send resources or books you have found helpful in your journey.* We are actively working on updating this list.

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The Alzheimer's Activities Guide (A Caregiver's Guide to Daily Activities for People with Alzheimer's Disease (In It together)
by Forest Pharmaceuticals (available on Amazon)

And Thou Shalt Honor, The Caregiver’s Companion, Edited by Beth Witrogen McLeod: Rodale,

Coach Broyles Playbook for Alzheimer’s Caregivers by Coach Frank Broyles

Creating Moments of JOY for the Person with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, Jolene Brackey: Purdue University Press, West Lafayette, Indiana

Cruising Through Caregiving. by Jennifer Fizpatrick.

Dancing with Elephants: Mindfulness Training For Those Living With Dementia, Chronic Illness or an Aging Brain (How to Die Smiling Series) (Volume 1)  by Jarem Sawatsky

Elder Rage or Take My Father…..Please, Jacqueline Marcell:  Impressive press

Healing After Loss. by Martha Whitmore Hickman

Mom’s OK, She Just Forgets, The Alzheimer’s Journey from Denial to Acceptance, Evelyn McLay & Ellen P. Young:  Prometheus Books, 59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, New York 14228-2197

Soaring Above Adversity, Bill Bugg:   Publish America Baltimore

The 36-Hour Day A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias and Memory Loss in Later Life, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland

The Best Friends Approach to Dementia Care by Virginia Bell and David Troxel  

Educational Materials Available

Learning about disease process or mental health disorder is key to improved management. Understanding what is happening is a step towards better management of symptoms. Many government and professional websites offer educational materials at little to no cost. A few good sources include the National Institute of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institute on Aging, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Alzheimer’s Association and the American Heart Association to name a few. Of course there are many more professional websites not included in this short list. Explore the professional websites that focus on your disease process or processes. You can find support and information to help you live a healthier and more meaningful life.




National Institute on Aging

Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's Association

Alzheimer's Disease & Related Dementias, National Institute on Aging (link update 1/18)

The Johns Hopkins Library Caring for a Love One with Alzheimer’s disease Johns Hopkins University (link update 1/18)

The Johns Hopkins Library Caring for a Love One with Alzheimer’s disease Johns Hopkins University (link update 1/18)

Lewy Body Dementia

Lewy Body Dementia Association

Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease

Michael J Fox Foundation Parkinson's disease research and Information


American Heart Association

American Lung Association

*We receive many recommendations to add to this list.  Please note, we reserve the right to determine which resources and content are appropriate for the SNHealth website.  Submission of resource or link does not guarantee addition to this website. Please note, we generally do not accept resources that are commercial in nature.*