Welcome to Shore Neurocognitive & Behavioral Health
Specializing in the issues adults face as they age
Shore Neurocognitive & Behavioral Health, a female owned psychological practice in Easton, Maryland, focuses on the issues adults face as they age. Founded in 2017, we offer psychotherapy and medication management for adults age 20+, memory screening, dementia assessment and treatment, and neuropsychological testing.
We are committed to helping improve the quality of lives on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
NEXT TALK TOPIC: TBD - Check Back for Updates!
Join SNBH for a FREE community talk discussing an array of behavioral health topics featuring professional subject matter experts.
When: TBD
Where: Shore Neurocognitive & Behavioral Health
Cost: Free
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Shore Neurocognitive & Behavioral Health
We are growing! Women owned and located in Easton, Maryland, our staff, including licensed clinical social workers, psychologist, and nurse practitioners, provide caregiver support and education, psychotherapy, medication management, memory screening, and neuropsychological testing. We look forward to meeting you.
Caring Together...Learn & Explore
We are dedicated to providing up-to-date information regarding medical and psychological issues facing the older adult and their loved ones. Information on this website is seen as conversation starters for family and friends, to be continued with your healthcare providers. Links to national websites and resources are provided as seen appropriate. Learn more about Partners in Care
Support Groups and Upcoming Events
We offer a variety of programs to help you better cope with and manage issues facing you and your loved ones. Click below to learn more about our educational programs and Caregiver Support Group.